What a fantastic weekend I just had. Having never been to Pennsylvania before, I wasn't sure what to expect, but my expectations were far exceeded for East Coast standards. I was fortunate enough to be able to travel with my friend Karly, and her team out of Tahoe. (THANKS SO MUCH ASC)
I arrived late on the 31st, to snow. It took us a little while to drive around the back woods of PA to find our house where we were staying but we finally did, and hit the sack, hard. The following morning we woke to more snow, wind, flat light, and our only training day. Karly and I decided to not let those elements get us down and we had a blast putting our lives on the line in the course all day. Seven Springs and Burton did an awesome job putting the course together and built us a really legitimate course consisting of; 3 rails into 3 jumps. We rode the course from start to finish and felt as comfortable as we possibly could have given the conditions. After practice we were interviewed by some European television crew which was also just too much fun... :) The forecast said snow the following day as well, so we were all a little nervous as to what was going to happen.
Fortunately for me I was in the 1st heat, and I woke up to sunshine! After an hour of practice I was so hyped up with so many great people around me, I couldn't wait to take my runs. This was probably the most fun i've ever had at a contest and I can attribute that to Karly Shorr, Danika Duffy, Dylan Omlyn, Dillon Willson, and last but definitely not least Josh Muzzy. We all goofed off at the top of the drop in, kept the vibes super positive and high, and I stomped my first run landing me in the top spot of my heat. I was so elated that on my second run, I came off the rail a bit early, making me have to skip the first jump. It was all good though because I had secured my spot for the Open and took the top spot in my heat!
Karly took the top spot in her heat and the top spot on the podium and I ended up 2nd with my good friend Danika Duffy right behind me in 3rd! I am so stoked to go to the Open with these ladies. . I can't think of two more fun, deserving people. It was wonderful to be on the podium with such genuine people.. I think this photo says it all...

All in all this was one of the most successful and fun weekends I have ever been a part of, and I am so stoked on life right now I am just glowing! Looking forward to the US OPEN at VAIL at the end of this month- thanks to Seven Springs and Burton for putting together an awesome course and event. And of course thanks to all of my sponsors and supporters! Stay tuned for the open!
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