Saturday, June 25, 2011

Moab, UT and Grand Canyon National Park

On a side note to the Colorado trip, my mom flew up from southern California to accompany me on my trip and spend a little time together. We took the scenic route leaving Colorado through Moab, UT and the Grand Canyon National Park. We had tons of fun together. My mom rocks! Love you!
Following along the Colorado River
Welcome to southern Utah
The typical yoga pose..
Pretty Flowers!
Life is good.
Love my whip!
What is that?
Negro Bill Trailhead
My lizard friend striking a pose.
Everything important to me fits in my car. Can you tell?
Transparent Leaf
Moonflower Canyon
First view of the Grand Canyon
Don't Fall.
Cool Tower!
Breathtaking views.
Winding staircase..
Two of the most spectacular places I have ever seen.

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