Monday, January 4, 2016

New OREGins..... Start of Winter 15/16

I've said it before and i'll say it again. Oregon is such a magical place. Having never been here in the winter, let alone snowboarded here in the winter, I wasn't sure what to expect. Since a lot of contests I'm doing are in the Northwest and Canada, I thought that Mt. Hood would be a great place to call home. Once again my intuition served correctly, and I have a feeling this might be one of the best seasons yet.
The season started out a bit rocky as usual, but winter has arrived in full force and we were blessed with 6ft of snow in 5 days over the holidays! Needless to say we wanted to avoid the resorts and crowds, and decided to explore some sidecountry areas and take out the snowmobile.
The scenery of Oregon in the winter is unlike anything i've ever experienced. The trees load up with snow due to the moisture in the air, and everything looks as if its been frozen in time. Hints of green from the lush forest and the ground below poke through and give exquisite contrast through the snow covered landscape. It truly is a spectacular sight, and one that I want to share through these photos.

PHOTOS: Drew Smalley

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